For more on John McAdams and his “Think Scenario” mantra, see his book JFK Assassination Logic.
For more on the story of Harry D. Holmes, see David Belin’s book Final Disclosure. My quotes from Holmes come his Warren Commission testimony, which can be read here.
The details about Oswald’s last-minute sartorial rethink comes from Harry Holmes’s Warren Commission testimony.
Bugliosi’s “party to the conspiracy to murder himself” quote comes from Reclaiming History, p. 1073.
The quote from Richard Hofstadter comes from his essay “The Paranoid Style in American Politics.”
Jack Ruby’s “I wanted to show my love for our faith” quote comes from his Warren Commission testimony, which can be read here.
Karen Carlin’s (aka Little Lynn’s) quote about Ruby’s sexuality comes from her Warren Commission testimony, which can be read here.
For more on Ruby’s trial see Kennedy’s Avenger by Dan Abrams and David Fisher.
Bill Alexander’s quotes about Belli and Ruby are taken from Case Closed by Gerald Posner (p. 398) and Reclaiming History by Vincent Bugliosi (p. 1472 and 1480).
Belli’s “something was mentally wrong with him” quote comes from Kennedy’s Avenger by Abrams and Fisher.
Ruby’s sister’s married name was Eva Grant. Her remarks about the incarcerated Ruby’s mental health come from her Warren Commission testimony, which can be read here.
Belli’s “he answers to the name Jack Ruby” quote comes from Kennedy’s Avenger.
Bugliosi’s “legally incorrect” quote comes from Reclaiming History, p. 1479.
The story of Arlen Specter and Ruby’s Warren Commission testimony comes from Specter’s book Passion for Truth.
All quotes from Oliver Stone’s JFK come from Stone’s Director’s Cut.
The forensic psychiatrist I quote is Dr Robert Kaplan, whose paper “Jack Ruby’s Complex” can be found here.
Jack Ruby’s various remarks about Bernard Weissman are all quoted by Bugliosi in Reclaiming History. Bugliosi is also my source for the story of Ruby’s nocturnal search for the “Impeach Earl Warren” billboard.
For more on the real Bernard Weissman see this useful webpage.
The Ruby “seemed to be very incoherent” quote comes from the Warren Commission testimony of Frank Bellochio, which can be read here.
George Senator’s account of Ruby’s “jabbering” on the morning of Oswald’s death comes from Senator’s Warren Commission testimony, which can be read here.
Ruby’s “there is nothing to hide” quote was reported by Time magazine. The article is archived here.